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Responding to a 972cg penalty notice Form: What You Should Know

The Schedule H — Penalty and Interest Provisions provides an explanation of what a filer must report, and how the penalties will be calculated.  For more information about the penalties for failure to report information properly, see the related documents in the link above. Additional resources about IRS Notice 972CG: Cases: (Revised Jan 13th, 2018) Catherine Sibelius, former Secretary of Health and Human Services, was asked in an interview about the penalty tax on individuals and how health care costs have become more expensive: “I think that is a real issue. I do believe that the Affordable Care Act is a perfect law. But it does need improvement, and in my view, the penalty provisions need to be enhanced, made better, made better aligned with tax policy and made easier to understand. And I think there are very clear and strong arguments on both sides about how high that penalty should be, how those penalties should be structured, and also how the health care law should better reflect the cost of health care and better support that.” As Healthcare.gov has become more and more difficult to navigate, I have become increasingly worried about consumers and the public health and safety. As Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (or HHS as it is known today) I created an HHS Office of Insurance and Consumers called the Inspector General (IG), which investigated problems with various aspects of consumer and health services programs. We issued three reports in this regard. The first came following a 2025 OIL investigation that identified issues with the use of government contractor personnel during the transition to the Health Insurance Exchange (Exchange). This report raised concern about a lack of oversight prior to the creation of the Exchange and a lack of protections regarding confidential information provided by taxpayers being used in HHS-guaranteed health plans on the Exchanges. The second report, released in July 2011, addressed the issues with the performance of Healthcare.gov and related government IT solutions. The third report released in late 2025 addressed issues regarding the implementation of the health insurance exchanges within various states. These reports addressed the many problems with the design and functionality of Healthcare.

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