In this video, we continue the prior video by considering the effect of confounding. That prior video was all about the technical details behind confounding. We know that confounding can confuse us, but I'll show you how some knowledge about our systems can be used to recover useful information. But first, right at the beginning of the course, remember how I always asked you to think how each factor might impact the outcome? Now you are going to see why I made you do that. Consider the case where we are treating water and we have three factors. The first is the chemical added to treat the water, the second is temperature, and the third is stirring speed. A full set of experiments would require 8 runs, but if I can only afford 4 or 5 experiments, I should run a half fraction. My higher experience with the system might lead me to believe there will be no significant interaction between temperature and stirring speed. I would like to get a good eof (estimate of the effect) of the chemical factor added. Remember the premise that chemical Q was twice the cost of chemical P. In that case, I don't want the effects of the chemical to be confounded with other effects in the system. So, if I would like this good eof of the chemical added factor, by that I mean I don't want it to be confounded with other large effects, a natural choice is to use the interaction between any other two factor interaction (temperature and stirring speed) in this case with the chemical effect. Now, when I plan my experiments, I could rather assign A as the temperature, B as the stirring speed, and factor C as the chemical factor. C can be set as A...
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Third B Notice Form: What You Should Know
You'll receive a copy of the form and a packet of information, including a form to request enrollment and answers to common questions. The form and information packet may be mailed to you, or mailed in the U.S. If you're a service member, call and provide your full name and DD Form 214, the number you used to start your service. If you're a service member, call and provide your full name and DD Form 214, the number you used to start your service. TRI CARE Prime For Service Members — MyArmyBenefits Sep 5, 2025 — DISCOUNT CARD FEES & TRIP OFFERS Are you a member of the military, and you receive your pay from the Federal Department of Defense? You need the coupon card to access their health, medical, and vision benefits! When you have one, you'll be able to access thousands of military clinics and hospitals that are free. Check them out here or call 1-877-444‑9222. TRI CARE Prime For Service Members — MyArmyBenefits Jun 13, 2025 — TRI CARE Prime is a managed-care health insurance option provided by DISCOUNT CARD to all DOD members in the U.S. TRI CARE Prime For Service Members — MyArmyBenefits Dec 31, 2025 — TRI CARE Prime is a managed-care health insurance option provided by DISCOUNT CARD to all DOD members in the U.S. In addition, the program provides reimbursement for the costs of medications provided to veterans at military medical treatment facilities. If you have a free or low-cost care package at a military treatment facility in the U.S., you can receive a certificate of participation. Call for information and instructions on how to receive your certificate. When you enroll, you also can be entered into a prize drawing. TRI Care Prime For Service Members — MyArmyBenefits Jan 17, 2025 — This information is only to be used in the U.S. Please call to receive a form.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Third B Notice